
Meursault Perrières 2016 75cl

AOC Premier Cru | Côtes de Beaune | Borgogna | Francia
Punteggi dei critici
97 Robert Parker
he 2016 Meursault 1er Cru Perrières is the most distinctive wine in the range, unfurling in the glass with notes of lemon oil, crushed chalk, tart green apple, dried white flowers and struck flint. On the palate, the wine is medium to full-bodied, elegantly satiny and searingly intense, with tangy acids, huge concentration and the pronouncedly mineral, stony signature that always seems to mark out this bottling. Along with Genevrières, Coche's parcel in Perrières was largely spared by the 2016 frosts. Given its utterly classic profile, a dozen years' patience is advised.<br/>This was a fascinating visit to Domaine Coche-Dury, where Raphaël Coche is now firmly established, having taken over direction of the estate in 2010 after working alongside his father Jean-François full-time since 1999. I tasted the domaine's current releases, which derive from the 2016 vintage—with the exception of the 2013 Corton-Charlemagne, as Raphaël is now holding back his sole grand cru for five years after the vintage. Readers should note that the 2015 Meursault Perrières, reviewed here, hasn't yet been released, as it is also being retained for additional aging. In the future, Raphaël hopes to systematically releases the Perrières, like the Corton-Charlemagne, five years after the vintage. The last few vintages have witnessed a stylistic evolution at Domaine Coche-Dury that I took the opportunity to discuss with Raphaël. In Raphaël's words, the domaine now works with "less new oak, less bâtonnage and less lees." The distinctively toasty, reductive signature that marked out the Coche-Dury wines of yesteryear is no more. But, as Raphaël emphasizes, that has been the case for some time. "The last vintages marked by pronounced reduction were 1999 and 2007," he observes. "And I didn't initiate the move toward a purer, less stylized approach alone: Jean-François and I agreed on the change of direction together." Some clients, Raphaël says, have complained, but his response is uncompromising. "They may want the vinification [techniques] in the glass, but I want to taste the terroir." The fundamentals of Domaine Coche-Dury's greatness, it's important to emphasize, remain the same: high-quality viticulture, a rare aptitude—which seems to have been passed down from father to son—for knowing how hard to press and for how long, careful choice of barrels and long, meticulously supervised élevage. The wines continue to be distinguished by their incisive acids, striking intensity and frequently appreciable presence of dry extract—the latter is something Raphaël argues can bring structure and freshness to wines from the warm vintages that Burgundy is witnessing more and more frequently. There isn't a Coche formula, rather there is a Coche palate, for decisions are made by tasting. "When my grandfather used to say winemaking was an art, sometimes I wondered what he had been smoking, but more and more I agree—it's all a question of feeling," says Raphaël. Jean-François, I should add, is also very much a continuing presence at the domaine. "My father comes by every day and gives his opinion," Raphaël confirms. Tasting Coche-Dury's 2015 Meursault Perrières—pure, searingly intense and structured like a red wine—it was impossible to argue with the domaine's evolution. It's a magical wine that represents the essence of this great vineyard. The 2016 portfolio is also very compelling. After the year's frosts, Jean-François advised his son to "sell everything in bulk and buy nothing—the wines will never be good." Raphaël, however, opted to persevere, harvesting only first-generation grapes (and not the second- and third-generation fruit included in many of the year's less successful white Burgundies) and purchasing some fruit to supplement some of the domaine's more depleted cuvées, notably the Bourgogne Blanc and Meursault Rouge. The result is a set of wines that rank among the vintage's best and that I suspect may give the Domaine's 2014s stiff competition. Our tasting c
Domaine Coche-Dury
Coche-Dury non è solo uno dei produttori più iconici di tutta la Borgogna, ma anche uno dei più enigmatici. Sembra quasi che per riuscire ad attraversare le porte delle sue cantine si debba vincere alla lotteria. La tenuta non ha un indirizzo e-mail e l’unico modo per riuscire ad avere un appuntamento è via fax. Forse. Ma è improbabile. Alla tenuta sono anche incredibilmente umili. Conoscono bene la grandezza dei loro vini, ma sono ancora dei semplici “vignaioli”. Quello che più gli importa è lavorare le viti e permettere alle uve di esprimere al meglio il terroir. Jean-François Coche, patriarca della tenuta, iniziò a lavorare con il padre nei primi anni Settanta. Nel 1975 sposò Odile Dury, che aggiunse alla tenuta alcune proprietà personali, creando così il nome Coche-Dury. Oggi il figlio Raphaël ha più o meno preso in mano le redini della casa vinicola, con l’aiuto della giovane moglie Charline. Dai loro quasi 9 ettari di vigneti producono Bourgogne, Puligny-Montrachet, Auxey-Duresses, Monthélie, Volnay e le loro due denominazioni più famose: Meursault (vari imbottigliamenti) e Corton-Charlemagne. A differenza di altri produttori della regione, hanno resistito al cambiamento e le loro modalità di produzione dei vini sono oggi le stesse con cui li hanno prodotti da tanti anni a questa parte. Amano anche che i loro vini abbiano un po’ di verve, quindi tendono a vendemmiare presto per conservare l’innata acidità delle uve.