
Amontillado Selección DB 1951 75cl

DO | Andalusia | Spagna
CHF 172.95

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95 Robert Parker
My favorite of the two Amontillados is the 1951 Amontillado Selección a rare, single-vintage Amontillado produced with Pedro Ximénez grapes as is the norm in Montilla-Moriles. It's a bright mahogany color with an amber-green tint that reveals pharmaceutical notes and balsamic, with roasted, charred aromas and a sweetish palate that retains the sharpness expected in this kind of wine. It is lacking a bit in the mid-palate before ending with a slightly bitter, tarry finish. This is completely different to an Amontillado from Jerez. It was bottled in March 2011 into 4,650 bottles. It is unusual and is perhaps not for all palates.<br/><br/>Toro Albalá from Montilla-Moriles keeps releasing small lots of very old vintage-dated sweet Pedro Ximénez and this time I also tasted a couple of dry, old, vintage-dated Amontillados of mindboggling quality. Some of the wines reviewed here the last time are also released from new lots, with different lot numbers so the wines might vary slightly as each barrel is different. It looks like the current bottlings were all done at once. With such older wines the vintage date has to be taken with a pinch of salt, as there is little documentation about them and what happened during all these years.<br/>
Toro Albalá
Antonio Sanchez Prieto fondò Bodegas Toro Albalá nel 1844, nel paese di Aguilar de la Frontera. Nel 1922 José Ma Toro Albalá restaurò l'ex centrale elettrica di Aguilar dove trasferì la cantina, che vi si trova ancora oggi. La regione Montilla-Moriles è famosa per lo Sherry. Per creare questa preparazione fantastica, le uve vengono essiccate al sole e trasformate in uva passa, prima di essere pressate e fermentate. Grazie all'incredibile concentrazione del succo, i vini sono particolarmente dolci ma anche meravigliosamente freschi. Don P.X. è il rinomato Sherry, dal sapore ricco e profondo di uva passa, fichi e datteri, che potrebbe accompagnare perfettamente qualsiasi cibo, dal formaggio erborinato al gelato alla vaniglia, senza dubbio da provare. Oltre ai vini meravigliosi, la sala di degustazione della cantina ospita un'ampia biblioteca enologica con oltre 100.000 libri.