
Brunello di Montalcino 2009 75cl

DOCG | Brunello di Montalcino | Toscana | Italia
Punteggi dei critici
93 Robert Parker
91 James Suckling
89 Wine Spectator
The 2009 Brunello di Montalcino Annata is a beautiful wine laced with ethereal balsam tones, licorice, cola, dark fruit and forest floor. The acidity is evident but well-integrated within the thick textural richness of the wine. It closes slowly and quietly with a surprising flurry of delicate floral notes that pop up at the end. This well-built wine will hold for many years. Drink: 2017-2030. <br/><br/>Perhaps the most iconic image in Montalcino is that of the lanky Franco Biondi Santi walking, cane in hand, down the cypress-lined drive that leads to his beloved Il Greppo estate. It's painful to think he no longer exists in that tight corridor of shade between the trees. The Brunello pioneer died in April 2013, at 92 years of age. Today, the imposing figure who greets you past the tree line belongs to his son, Jacopo Biondi Santi. The legacy of this estate and the guardianship of Montalcino-s most prized wine tradition now rests squarely on his shoulders. "I'm not afraid to say it," Jacopo confides: "I'm daunted by the enormity of this responsibility." This conversation was the single most precious moment I experienced during my last trip to Montalcino. Like many others, I was concerned about the generational shift at Il Greppo. Dottore Biondi Santi did everything himself and who could ever take his place? More importantly: Would the wines change? My exchange with Jacopo and that glimmer of vulnerability assured me that Il Greppo would be just fine. Jacopo has made some small tweaks in the winery. Most notably he brought his bladder press over from Castello di Montepo to replace his father's traditional press. Otherwise, the Old World formality of the winery is exactly the same.
Biondi Santi

Simbolo di Montalcino, il nome Biondi Santi rimane uno dei più noti nella denominazione, producendo uno dei migliori Brunello della regione. L'enologo attuale, Jacopo Biondi Santi, segue il percorso dei suoi antenati - Clemente, Jacopo, Ferruccio, Tancredi e Franco - nella tenuta Il Greppo. Dopo l'arrivo della fillossera nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento, la famiglia ha sviluppato un clone specifico, che ora porta il nome BBS11 (Brunello Biondi Santi 11) dal quale viene prodotto l'unico Brunello Biondi Santi - Tenuta Greppo. La rigorosa selezione clonale del Sangiovese, insieme all'approccio alla vinificazione che limita al minimo gli interventi, ha prodotto vini di straordinario successo per oltre 200 anni. Lo studio dei cloni continua a Castello di Montepò, un castello medievale in pietra rimasto della famiglia sin dalla sua fondazione nel 1880.