
Sassicaia 2018 75cl

DOC | Bolgheri | Toscane | Italie
CHF 291.85
Évaluations et Scores
97 Vinous
97 James Suckling
96 Wine Spectator
The 2018 Sassicaia is fabulous. Bright and beautifully poised, the 2018 opens with brilliant aromatics that make a strong first impression. Delicate and light on its feet, the 2018 is a regal wine that is going to need a number of years to come into its own. Sassicaia is the most finessed of Bolgheri’s top wines. That is very much the case in 2018 as well. I loved it. A cold winter led to a late spring and delayed start to the year. May and June saw some heat, but only moderate temperatures. Only July was truly warm, with minimal diurnal shifts. Cool winds arrived again in August, and temperatures dropped quickly, especially at night. Mid-August saw some rain. Harvest started on September 7 with the Franc and wrapped up on the 29th with the last of Cabernet Sauvignon. The year favored the estate’s oldest vineyards, those on hillside sites. The 2018 spent 19 months in oak, two-thirds new, a bit more new oak than the norm. The blend is 90% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Franc, a bit less Franc than is often the case, as Franc suffered more under the conditions of the season.
Tenuta San Guido
Domaine le plus emblématique d’Italie, la Tenuta San Guido a atteint un nouveau palier de reconnaissance grâce à une succession récente de grands millésimes portant la signature italienne la plus illustre : Sassicaia. Fondé dans les années 1940, le domaine n’a commercialisé ses premiers vins qu’en 1968. En 1985, Robert Parker a réaffirmé sa réputation en attribuant au Sassicaia de la même année, la note suprême de 100, lui assurant un rayonnement international. Son succès a été tel qu’il a débouché en 1994sur la création de « Bolgheri Sassicaia » - unique DOC dédiée à un seul domaine. Cette distinction singularise l’ensemble des vins, depuis le second vin Guidalberto, jusqu’au troisième, Le Difese, chaque cuvée affichant ses spécificités et son exemplarité à sa façon.