
Saint Pierre 2000 75cl

4eme Grand Cru Classé | St. Julien | Bordeaux | France
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Critics scores
16 Rene Gabriel
01: Fassprobe (17/20): Intensives Schwarzkirschenbouquet, fein florale Note, Tabak, schwarzer Pfeffer und getrocknete Totentrompeten. Im Gaumen mittlerer Körper, jetzt etwas blaubeeriger werdend, elegantes, aber eher schlankes Finale. Wie der Gloria aus gleichem Hause ist auch der St. Pierre dieses Jahr etwas eleganter und leichter ausgefallen. 04: Mitteldunkles Granat. Ausladendes, erdig süsses Bouquet; Dörrfrüchte, helle Hölzer, Milchkaffee, wirkt schon erstaunlich zugänglich und lässt eigentlich etwas die übliche 2000er Konzentration missen. Im Gaumen erste Rundungen im halbfetten Extrakt, Humusaromen, helle Champignons und feuchter Waldboden, im Finale eine leicht grünliche Schalennote. Hat leider nicht alle Chancen genutzt. trinken (2010 - 2025)
Château Saint-Pierre
Château Saint-Pierre's history dates back to the 16th century. Records from 1693 prove the existence of an estate named "Serançan" belonging to Marquis de Cheverry. Baron de Saint-Pierre bought the property in 1767, during the reign of Louis XV and, in keeping with the custom of the time, gave his name to it. His two daughters inherited the estate in 1832. Saint-Pierre was included amongst the Fourth Growths in the famous 1855 classification. In 1892, Madame de Luetkens sold her share of the vineyard to Léon Sevaistre, after which Saint-Pierre was sold under two separate labels: Saint-Pierre-Sevaistre and Saint-Pierre-Bontemps-Dubarry. In 1922, Belgian wine merchants reunified the estate except for the buildings, which were retained by the previous owners. The Baron's last descendent sold them to Henri Martin in 1981, who completed his purchase by buying the vineyard in 1982. Château Saint-Pierre, which had become a patchwork of vineyard plots over the centuries, was finally reunited. Today, Henri Martin’s daughter, Françoise, and her husband, Jean-Louis Triaud, assisted by their children, Vanessa and Jean, continue the family tradition with passion. Due to its small production (only 6,000 cases are produced), it is often difficult to find but well worth it.