
Guidalberto (2nd Vin) 2011 75cl

IGT | Toscane | Italie
Évaluations et Scores
93 Robert Parker
92 James Suckling
17 Rene Gabriel
90 Wine Spectator
The 2011 Guidalberto reveals a plump, opulent and irresistible style. The 2011 vintage was a scorcher in much of Italy, but Bolgheri performed very nicely thanks to the soft sea breezes that kept the summer heat in check. There is beautiful fruit ripeness here, but the wine never feels overdone or overblown. Expert winemaking is clearly at hand. You can almost feel the crunch of the berries in your mouth and the soft tannins have been expertly managed. Dark cherry, blackberry preserves, spice, candied almond and tarry licorice rise from the glass. The wine is still youthful with a darkly extracted personality that will flesh out further in time.  When Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi made a state visit to Washington, D.C. this past April, he packed a few bottles for the trip. He selected four wines to share with President Barack Obama. According to media reports they were Sassicaia (the 2011 vintage), Ornellaia, Tignanello and a Brunello di Montalcino by Mastrojanni. The statesmen sampled the wines together and President Obama joked that it would be “insulting” not to taste them. During a press conference, he turned to Renzi and smiled: “I will give you, Matteo, a report on whether it is up to the quality we expect.”  Born in Florence, Prime Minister Renzi made a sound selection of wines from his native Tuscany to share with the American president. Of these wines, none is more iconic than Sassicaia. Roughly one month prior to the White House wine summit, I was in Bolgheri at Tenuta San Guido to taste a few older vintages of Sassicaia including the 1982 and 1998. I was also able to taste preview samples of the excellent 2013 vintage and the challenging 2014 vintage. June 2015
Tenuta San Guido
Domaine le plus emblématique d’Italie, la Tenuta San Guido a atteint un nouveau palier de reconnaissance grâce à une succession récente de grands millésimes portant la signature italienne la plus illustre : Sassicaia. Fondé dans les années 1940, le domaine n’a commercialisé ses premiers vins qu’en 1968. En 1985, Robert Parker a réaffirmé sa réputation en attribuant au Sassicaia de la même année, la note suprême de 100, lui assurant un rayonnement international. Son succès a été tel qu’il a débouché en 1994sur la création de « Bolgheri Sassicaia » - unique DOC dédiée à un seul domaine. Cette distinction singularise l’ensemble des vins, depuis le second vin Guidalberto, jusqu’au troisième, Le Difese, chaque cuvée affichant ses spécificités et son exemplarité à sa façon.