
Vosne Romanée 2014 75cl

AOC Village | Côte de Nuits | Burgund | Frankreich
Rezensionen & Bewertungen
89 Robert Parker
The 2014 Vosne-Romanée Villages has a delineated bouquet of black cherry and boysenberry fruit, with cold stone in the background. The palate is medium-bodied with grainy tannin, the oak needing some more time to be fully subsumed, and with a seam of savoriness on the finish. Not bad for a village cru, though it does not elicit a cavalcade of superlatives.  Benjamin Leroux is an interesting person. I write "person" rather than "winemaker" here. One is the same as the other. What I particularly find interesting is that whenever I visit Leroux at his winery on the Beaune périphique, I find him open to showing his thinking, what his plans are, almost as if I were not in the same cellar. Most domaines and winemakers keep plans, ideas and dreams to themselves, but he is clear about where he's been (Bordeaux and Comte Armand), where he's at (now focused entirely upon his namesake négoçiant label), and where he intends to go (shifting more and more towards farming his own vines having acquired parcels in Blagny in 2013, but wishing never to own more than five or six hectares). As I have mentioned elsewhere, Nicolas Rossignol is currently building his own winery and will move out of the facility he rents from Leroux. He will not be seeking a new cohabitant and is looking forward to having more space, with the barrels one or two tiers high and not three, enabling him to be more exact about the racking in the future -- just being able to spread his arms a bit. Like any winemaker, he is ambitious, though not in terms of expanding his empire geographically, but meliorating his own wines, achieving higher standards. I tasted through his entire range of whites and reds over a marathon three-hour session, interpolated by a free-flowing conversation that touched on all manner of unprintable subjects, also, a brief intermission after Jean-Marc Roulot’s father-in-law popped in. Of course, he was touched by the suzukii fruit fly here and there, but he said it was easy to sort out, lopping off any infected bunches in the vineyard with such rigor that he said that hardly any sorting needed to be done at the winery. Some parcels were impacted by hail damage, especially between Beaune and Meursault, although it seems he, like many vignerons, have become inured to it.  It will be fascinating to plot the next chapter of Benjamine Leroux. He's not sure whether his children will be drawn towards winemaking or not. They're too young at the moment. He is certainly driven to leave a legacy for them, a business to take over one day, however big or small. Perhaps a sign that they will be attracted to wine is stuck on the entrance door, a child's drawing of “daddy” with a bottle of vino, the word “Ben” scrawled above the matchstick figure.
Maison Benjamin Leroux
Als es zusehends schwieriger wurde, Weine zu finden, die den hohen Standards der Marke Maison Leroy gerecht wurden, beschloss Madame Lalou Bize-Leroy kurzerhand, sich ihre eigenen Weinberge zuzulegen. So kaufte sie mehrere Grundstücke zusammen und gründete 1988 die Domaine Leroy. Heute erstrecken sich die insgesamt 21 Hektar vorwiegend über als Grand Cru und Premier Cru eingestuften Zonen. Gemäß der festen Überzeugung von Madame Bize-Leroy, dass alles lebt – vom Boden über die Trauben bis hin zum Menschen – führte sie umgehend aus Achtung vor dem Terroir biodynamische Anbaumethoden ein. Diese einst umstrittene Art der Bewirtschaftung ist heute ein weithin bekannter holistischer Ansatz, der auf der Überzeugung beruht, dass alles mit allem zusammenhängt, unter Einbeziehung auch astrologischer und kosmischer Einflüsse. Ohne den Einsatz jeglicher synthetischer Dünger, Herbizide, Insektizide oder Pestizide werden die Weinberge das ganze Jahr hindurch in Handarbeit gepflegt. Die Ergebnisse dieses qualitätsbewussten Hauses sind frappierend: die Weine sind extrem konzentriert und doch raffiniert und von einer ungewöhnlichen Reinheit, die vom intuitiven Charakter ihrer Weinberge stammt.