
Pinot Gris Clos Jebsal Vendange Tardive 2007 75cl

AOC | Turckheim | Frankreich

Alle Jahrgänge

Rezensionen & Bewertungen
94 Robert Parker
94 Wine Spectator
With the Humbrechts’ 2007 Pinot Gris Clos Jebsal Vendange Tardive we enter the realm of decidedly lower alcohol (around 11%) and higher sugar (around 100 grams). Mandarins, banana, pineapple, mint, sage flower, gardenia, and heliotrope soar from the glass, then converge on a creamy, practically weightless palate, with caramelized mirabelle, grapefruit, and peach preserves adding to the litany. Thanks to a lively sense of citrus juiciness throughout – and no doubt also to high extract – the glorious finish of this buoyant elixir is not in the least cloying. No doubt it could be happily revisited over the next 30 years. ”After the experience of 2003,” remarks Olivier Humbrecht with an eye to his 2007s, “I’m never going to complain about having and extra gram or two of acidity.” In fact, Humbrecht considers 2007 ideal in nearly every respect, having permitted the grower the luxury of picking under optimum conditions for each grape variety and style. The fruit was completely healthy, insists Humbrecht, “you could walk through the vineyards for half an hour and fine one spoiled berry,” … except, of course, where the rot was noble! This year’s generally dry-tasting, relatively low-alcohol, high acid, high-extract Rieslings are not always the most youthfully approachable or winsome in style, but the best are profound; whereas Pinot Gris and Gewurztraminer ran to extremities of potential alcohol, even though the harvest was finished before mid-October. Far fewer wines went through malo-lactic transformation here from 2007 than usual – the pHs were often so low they proved inhospitable to the necessary bacteria. As for 2006, it’s clear that this is a year to test the meddle of any grower, and it is therefore not surprising that Zind-Humbrecht was among the estates to demonstrate that excellence and even excitement were not ruled out by the weather. Furthermore, he arrived at an average 2006 yield virtually identical to that of 2005. “Of course,” asserts Humbrecht, “quality in 2006 depended on how you handle your vineyards and your vines the whole year through. It was a vintage where, if you made a mistake in the vineyards, you got slapped pretty hard at harvest time, unlike 2007 where if you made a mistake, nature was forgiving.” The completion of fermentations in 2007 was spread over even more months than usual, often with late bottling; frequently with no racking; and my notes are based both on tastings from bottle early this year (sometimes referencing the wine’s performance from cask) and in a few instances solely on tastings from cask. Two 2007 Pinot Gris “Trie Speciale” – from Clos Windsbuhl and Clos Jebsal – were not even wine yet last I visited, and will in any case not be released for at least another year.
Domaine Zind Humbrecht
Die Heirat zwischen Léonard Humbrecht von Gueberschwihr und Geneviève Zind von Wintzenheim im Jahr 1959 bedeutete die Vereinigung zweier großer Winzerfamilien, deren zusammengelegter Besitz heute eins der stattlichsten Weingüter im Elsass bildet. Der 40 Hektar große Weinberg erstreckt sich über mehrere Terroirs, wie die Regionen Thann, Hunawihr, Gueberschwihr, Wintzenheim und Turckheim. Der Anbau erfolgt ausschließlich biodynamisch, und jede Parzelle wird individuell bewirtschaftet. Bei einer Produktion von über 30 Sorten pro Jahrgang werden nur die reifesten Trauben für die Herstellung der vollen, konzentrierten und intensiven Weine verwendet. Jeder Wein hat seinen eigenen unverwechselbaren Charakter, aber allen gemein ist der von Respekt und Natürlichkeit geprägte Ausdruck seiner Herkunft. Zind-Humbrecht ist einer von Frankreichs führenden Weißweinproduzenten, der als Besonderheit eine Süßeskala von 1 bis 5 (1 steht für trocken) auf seinen Etiketten angibt, um dem Käufer die Wahl des passenden Weines zu erleichtern. Vier Weinberge sind als Grand Crus klassifiziert: Brand, Hengst, Goldert und Rangen de Thann Clos St Urbain. Sie sind die Basis für große Produktionsmengen und einige der besten Rieslingweine der Appellation.