
Savigny Les Beaune Les Marconnets 2014 75cl

AOC Premier Cru | Côtes de Beaune | Burgund | Frankreich

Alle Jahrgänge

2014 2015
Rezensionen & Bewertungen
85 Robert Parker
The 2014 Savigny-lès-Beaune 1er Cru les Marconnets is perhaps one vineyard that just shows the impact of the hailstorm on the nose, since here the fruit feels subdued, prenatally enervated. The palate is medium-bodied with sappy red fruit, slightly dry tannins with a foursquare, slightly herbaceous finish. I hope this improves by the time of bottling. I remember my introduction to Domaine de la Vougeraie well. It was London, a rather salubrious tasting that served as an introduction of this new name to the Burgundy firmament to wine journalists and the odd nerd writing on a new-fangled medium called the Internet. I tasted the wines and whilst the array of premier and grand cru vineyards was impressive, the wines were less so. They were too oaky. As a consequence, they felt a little humdrum, a bit predictable, too earnest and desperate to please. A couple of journalists waxed lyrical, but they left me cold.  Come their crop of 2014s and Domaine de la Vougeraie has almost discretely become a major player in top quality, occasionally profound Burgundy wine. With winemaker Pierre Vincent, there was a significant turnaround in style and quality -- the wines discovering terroir expression, nuance and elegance, poise and complexity. I’ve lost count the number of times their wines have triumphed in blind tastings and yet still, I don’t think this domaine receives the credit that is due. Not artisan enough maybe? As part of Jean-Claude Boisset’s portfolio, that’s him on the official website attired in a dashing velvet navy tuxedo, it is almost dichotomous to the romantic notion of a vigneron with clay under his fingernails, permanently dressed in a tatty old cardigan handed down from his great grandfather. However, it should be what is in the glass that counts. Pierre Vincent is an über-talented winemaker who now has one of the most comprehensive and enviable ranges of white and red Burgundy wines to “play” with. In fact, each year there are one or two more purchases and 2014 is no different, as Pierre introduced a couple of new whites courtesy of acquisition from Vincent Girardin. “The spring was perfect: good temperatures and sunny. The rain arrived in July and there was a lot of rain in August, the temperature around 20 to 25 degrees Celsius but with a lot of humidity. September was perfect. You just had a little problem with suzukii fruit fly, especially in the lower vineyards, especially in Gevrey-Chambertin around “La Justice” and in Beaune after the hailstorm. I used a lot of whole cluster, not so much in the Côte de Beaun,e but more in Côte de Nuits, a minimum of 30% to 60% for the Grand Crus. For me, it makes the wine more complex and lends it more body. As we have worked with biodynamics for 15 years I have found the balance is good. We started the harvest on September 10 with whites and finished on September 20 with the reds, using a sorting table where 10% to 15% grapes were discarded.”  “It was a good vintage more for the Côte de Nuits than the Côte de Beaune,” he opined, though I might not agree when considering the surfeit of exceptional whites this year. “The yield for the Côte de Beaune appéllations was very low at around ten hectoliters per hectare and there was up to 80% to 90% damaged vines, especially around Beaune Grèves. In Pommard it was less difficult, though we are still talking about a loss of between 50% to 60%. Elsewhere the quality was good and around Puligny, it was very good. We reached around 12 degrees natural alcohol with good pH levels, around 3.10 for the whites after alcoholic fermentation and a pH of 3.5 for the reds. We did just 0.3 [alcoholic] degrees chapalitization at the end of alcoholic fermentation to extend the maceration. The whites are aged in between 20% and 30% new French oak. Some wines were bottled the last week in July, the rest next year.” Overall, there is an enticing set of 2014s from Domaine de la Vougeraie, the whites bolstered by those new additions and no longer a “sidel
Domaine de la Vougeraie

Die idyllisch bei Nuits-Saint-Georges in Prémeaux gelegene Domaine de la Vougeraie ist nach ihrem großen Weinbergbesitz im Dorf Vougeot benannt. Diese vorzügliche burgundische Domaine wurde 1999 von Jean-Claude Boisset, Mitglied der Boisset-Gruppe, gegründet und ist relativ neu in der Weinszene. Die Weinberge wurden aus allen Besitzungen der verschiedenen Négociant-Firmen zusammengelegt und bilden nun einen ergiebigen Flickenteppich von über 44 Hektar in 37 Appellationen, neun davon mit der Einstufung als Grand Cru. Leitender Winzer ist Pierre Vincent, der behutsame Verfahren bevorzugt. So werden von den biodynamisch bewirtschafteten Weingärten mehr als 30 Weine erzeugt, die ganz und gar sie selbst sind. Mit ihrer Balance zwischen Ehrlichkeit und Differenziertheit sind dies die bei Weitem authentischsten Weine aus Burgund.