
Sàgana 2011 75cl

IGT | Sizilien | Italien
CHF 23.80

Alle Jahrgänge

Rezensionen & Bewertungen
91 Robert Parker
91 Wine Spectator
The 2011 Nero d’Avola Sagana San Giacomo sees fruit sourced from the 140-hectare Tenuta di San Giacomo near the town of Butera in south-central Sicily. The vineyard is 350 meters above sea level with primarily white limestone soils. This is a big wine (15% alcohol) and modern tones of barbecue spice, teriyaki and smoked bacon woven deep within the folds of the wine’s opulent texture. Oak-related tones of sandalwood, dark chocolate and church incense also emerge (Sagana sees 12 months in oak casks). It’s a deep and satisfying drinking experience, although there’s little left in the way of varietal typicity. Drink 2014-2020. <br/> <br/> Diego and Alberto Cusumano are two of the handsome faces that I most associate with the modern Sicilian wine renaissance. When Sicilian wine really started to pick up speed two decades ago, the Cusumano brothers were an important part of the “Rat Pack” (including Tasca, Donnafugata and Planeta) at the tippy top of the production pyramid. They are tireless promoters and hardworking managers. They’ve definitely quieted down over the past five years or so, choosing to focus on recent land acquisitions (including 15 hectares on Etna) and new winery construction. Always a strong presence in domestic markets (it is one of the top-consumed brands in Sicily, for example), I get the sense that Cusumano is now shifting focus to foreign markets (they recently signed with Terlato Wines as their U.S. importer). I’d also like to report on a big upswing in quality, especially among Cusumano’s entry-level wines. The addition of the vineyard names to the front label is also new.<br/>
Die Cusumano-Brüder Diego und Alberto haben, mit der Hilfe ihres Beraters Mario Ronco, während der modernen Weinrenaissance dieser Region vor rund zwanzig Jahren die Weinbühne Siziliens im Sturm erobert. Bei diesem Wein-Revival spielten sie eine wichtige Rolle, neben anderen führenden Produzenten wie Tasca, Donnafugata und Planeta, und setzten sich unermüdlich dafür ein, die Region wieder zu einem bedeutenden Weinerzeuger zu machen. In den vergangenen Jahren hat man bei Cusumano den Fokus auf die Entwicklung der beiden von der Nero d’Avola inspirierten Roten gelegt – Sàgana und Noà –, Letzterer unter Einbeziehung von Merlot und Cabernet Sauvignon, was sogar noch mehr Tiefe und Komplexität schafft. Diese Weine verkörpern die Aromen der Erweckung Siziliens. Sie schmecken reicher, sinnlicher und markanter als jemals zuvor.