
PS 2013 1800cl

DO | Ribera del Duero | Castilla y León | Spanien
CHF 5’188.80
Rezensionen & Bewertungen
95 Robert Parker
The 2013 Aalto PS was bottled at the same time as the regular 2013 Aalto, which means less time in oak (for this limited cuvée all the barrels were new) and the vintage was a little lighter and had higher acidity. They also had to do a more careful sorting, which resulted in less wine. The nose is subtler and more balanced and integrated. The bottled wine has less alcohol than previous years. The fresher vintages definitively take the oak in a different way and the wood feels better integrated; there are violets, bright cherries and fresher fruit than in other vintages, showing more of the character of the place and the grape. It's very open, hedonistic, aromatic and showy. It's very young and accessible, but I'd wait a little to get the edges nicely polished by the bottle. It should have a long life ahead and a nice development. A very nice vintage of PS, but don't get me wrong, it's still in its generous and well-oaked style. 16,000 bottles, a shorter vintage, were filled in July 2015. 2013 has delivered the freshest bottles of Aalto so far, a lighter regular Aalto and one of the best PS to date.
Aalto Bodegas y Viñedos
Mariano García, Eigentümer der Bodegas Mauro und Maurodos, kennt man eigentlich von seinem Wirken in der spanischen Ikone Vega Sicilia. Heute bringt er seine Energie in sein eigenes Weingut Aalto ein, das er 1999 mit Partner Javier Zaccagnini gründete. Mit dem gemeinsamen Ziel vor Augen, konzentrierte, dichte und modern gestaltete Weine aus Ribera del Duero zu kreieren, konnte die junge Kellerei in den vergangenen Jahren ein enormes Wachstum verzeichnen. Die 42 Hektar werden ökologisch bewirtschaftet und erstrecken sich über die Provinzen Valladolid und Burgos. Ihr Flaggschiff und beliebtester Wein ist Aalto, ein reiner Tinto Fino (wie die Tempranillo hier gennant wird), der extem dicht und fruchtig ist. Der Jahrgang 2012 rangierte sogar an sechster Stelle unter den “Top 10 Wines of 2015” in The Wine Spectator.